Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Kelly Family!

This is one amazingly cute family!! I had so much fun taking your photos even though we were getting rained on the whole time! If it wouldn't take hours I would put all of your photos up as favorites, but here is a sneak peak of a few of my favorites! I hope you all like them!!!

Together... is a great place to be!
Mommy and Porter right before the downpour!!!

Savannah LOVES her daddy!!

Daddy's Boy!

This is my personal favorite of all 4 of you together!

I LOVE Porter looking back in this one!!

They look so much alike!

Loving Mommy and Daddy!

He is a looker!

Sibling love!

How cute is she?! Daddy's going to have to fight off the boys!!


  1. I'm glad you like them!! I saw that you put them on your facebook and I was just going to let you know don't print those ones because the file size is smaller on the blog than the cd! & I'll send the cd with Rachel there are a ton more!
