I had the awesome opportunity to travel down to South Padre when my cousin Krystal asked me to take her wedding pictures! It was so beautiful and a blast!! Thanks so much Krystal and Dustin for letting me do these!! Congrats Guys! ( Keep in my mind I am still figuring out this whole blog thing and the pictures are a little out of order!!! ha) Here are a few of my favorites!

The Bride and Groom on the beach after the ceremony!

Katelyn the Maid of Honor

The Groom and his men.

They were so cute!! She was so scared to take this picture because she was afraid he would drop her! ha

The Rings.

Walking on the beach.

The Wedding Party.

My Uncle Daniel and his beautiful family.

I'm married! SO CUTE!

You may kiss the bride!!!

Combineing sand was kind of like the unity candle ceremony with a cool twist!


A precious moment between mom and bride!

Her nephew/ ring bearer Ryan! SO SWEET!

I love the blue and barefoot in the sand!!

She had lots of loving woment to assist her getting ready!!

Katelyn was too funny playing her DS the whole time!

Her hair turned out perfect!!!

Mom saving the day with the perfect hairstlye!!
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